Wood Turning

Welcome to my hobby showcase, where I share my passion for woodworking and wood turning. Despite owning a lathe for several years, my busy schedule often kept me from indulging in this craft. However, I've recently reignited my interest and dusted off my lathe, diving back into the art of wood turning. Below, you'll find examples of the exquisite items I craft. Click on "Wood Turning" above to explore more. Enjoy the craftsmanship!

My wood turning journey began with crafting spinning tops, initially from single wood pieces and later by skillfully assembling blocks of different colored materials onto a spindle. I then ventured into creating hollow form bowls and delightful bells.


The charming bells, originally crafted as Christmas ornaments, became popular among admirers who requested them. Each bell features a small metal insert, producing a delightful ring when jingled.


My foray into crafting acorns led me to experiment with box making. Upon depleting my Mahogany supply, I repurposed the remaining scrap as inlays for lighter-hued doughnut boxes, embellishing them with decorative metallic disks on the lids.


What began as a lighthearted endeavor, internal turned decorations took a more serious turn after a few mishaps on the lathe. I learned the importance of patience and caution as a couple of pieces shattered, scattering across the workshop. It was a valuable lesson in taking things more steadily.

I recently completed a tilting bowl with an intricate cutout and pierced design, inspired by Mick Hanbury's demonstration video. The design features a small central bowl atop a base intentionally tilted towards the heavier side, showcasing a captivating fusion of aesthetics and functionality. I'm delighted with the outcome and eagerly anticipate sharing more of my projects.

Below is a recent project to make a decorative box with a lose fitting finial lid. The wood used for this piece  was spalted birch that I picked up while camping the other year. It was my first attempt and turned out a little smaller that intended, but a god starting point. Also just completed today is a tilting bowl with a cutout and pierced design I decided to have a go at this after watching a demo video by Mick Hanbury. I think its turned out quite well....


Please send comments let me know what you think.